Friday, February 22, 2008

Hunter Under Saddle Prospect

Which horse appears more suitable for hunter under saddle and why?


elizabethc said...

Horse #1 is the more suitable prospect for hunter under saddle. He has a longer, leaner neck, is stronger in his hip, and more structurally correct in his legs. Though horse #2 appears more level from wither to croup, his hip is disproportional to his shoulder, making him heavy on his forehand, and thick through his neck, making it hard for him to balance and maintain a level topline.

FSCC_Horse1 said...

1 is more disirable because it has a higher quality of head an neck alowing it to balance and breath easyer also is longer and leaner bodied for a longer stride a more powerfull hip to drive it from behinde. also one is more perportional from front end to back enabling him to lift on his front end insted of drag with it.

fscchorsejudge said...

The bay is a more suitable prospect. First of all, he has more showring presence and will be more likely to be favorably noticed by a judge. Furthermore, he has a cleaner head and neck, more laid back shoulder, is taller and longer legged. The second horse will be short strided and have limited movement in its head and neck.