Of these two horses, which one displays more Arab type? Why?
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The first horse pictured exhibits more arabian type, including a broad forehead tapering into a small muzzle with a sturdy jaw and large, flaring nostrils. He has a larger, more expressive eye, and smaller, more correctly pointed ears. He can be faulted on his length of face, as he has a lot of distance from his eye to his nostrils. However, he still places over the second horse, who is narrow between his eyes and ears (at least how he is pictured), shows little flare in his nostrils and no tapering in his muzzle. It can be granted that he does have a large, round, eye proportional to his face.
Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; its when you had everything to do, and you've done it. -Margaret Thatcher _____________________________
Never mind if you fall far short of the thing you want to do,--encourage your effort. If no one else will say it to you, say it to yourself. 'Not so bad.' It will make the next effort easier and better. -Josephine Demott Robinson _____________________________
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. -Henry Ford
1 comment:
The first horse pictured exhibits more arabian type, including a broad forehead tapering into a small muzzle with a sturdy jaw and large, flaring nostrils. He has a larger, more expressive eye, and smaller, more correctly pointed ears. He can be faulted on his length of face, as he has a lot of distance from his eye to his nostrils. However, he still places over the second horse, who is narrow between his eyes and ears (at least how he is pictured), shows little flare in his nostrils and no tapering in his muzzle. It can be granted that he does have a large, round, eye proportional to his face.
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